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Nerv Ranks and Resposibilites

Space Core/Navel Ranks

Lord - Running Nerv High Command and looking over the everyday Functing of Nerv.

Fleet Admiral
Duties consist of being a member of High Command, respiniblities for the daily day to day running of Nerv. Responsiblitys consisit of promoting, demoting and discharging members.

A member of the Nerv High Council, normaly in charge of flleet ide special activite. Help cooridination of fleet tatics in the war times.

Vice Admiral
His or her duties are leading the fllet agisnt immediete threats and a seat on the NERV High Council. Vice Admirals also have the power to take emergency command, plus make emergency desions if the situation calls for it. However is expect to defer to the NERV High Council when soon a posssible.

Captain, Morale Officer and Diplomatic Ambassador
Uphold the spirit of Nerv and keep officers in high morale. Also respinable for fleet relations.

Rear Admiral
His or her Dutys are to lead their corrisponding department or a division and to sit on the Nerv High Council. Also has the power to make emergency command desions if the situation calls for it, however is expect to defer to the Nerv High Council if posable or Lord G.

Division Admiral / Star Commander
Has the power to make all non military command decisions along with Division commands.
He can be a member of the Nerv High Council or a Division or Department CO.
His main role is fleet communications and Division Command. He or her is required to make sure that his CO's and the High Council recieve all battle reports and to keep them informed of all personel changes.

Division Vice Admiral
Has the power to make all non military command decisions along with Division commands if Dividion Admiral is not avaiable. He can be a member of the Nerv High Council or a Division or Department CO. His main role is fleet communications and Division Command. He or her is required to make sure that his Commanding Officer's and the High Council recieve all battle reports and to keep them informed of all personel changes.

Division Rear Admiral
He or she has the power to make all non military command decisions.
He can be a member of the High Council if a Division or Department CO.
His main role is fleet communications and Division Command, He is required to make sure that his Commanding Officers and the Nerv High Council recieve all battle reports and to keep them informed of all personel changes.

His or Her duties are to work closely with the Division Commanding Officers
and to ensure that his Division is operating at optimal peak efficency. His or her duties includes officer training and he is expected to train and lead his Quadrant into battle. Reports to Lords or Admiral and is expected to ensure that his CO's recieve reports on his Divisions efficency and is required to make reports on officer developments for promotion / demotion or commendation.

Fleet Captain
His or her duties are to ensure that his squad is operating at peak efficency and that
all squad members are aware of events and situations with in the fleet. Squad training and making reports to his Commodore are considered to be his main objectives.

His duties are to lead by example, He is expected to be a high class pilot with skills in defensive measures for not just his vessel but for a squadron of vessels. He is required to assist his
Fleet Captain in all squad endevours and to take command of the squad in the absence of the Fleet Captain.

His duties are to lead by example, he is expected to be a high class pilot with skills in defense and attack. He is required to assist his Captain where possible and is further required to assist officers under him with learning how to control a star ship.

Lieutenant Commander
He is expected to be available for training in order to improve his skills. He has shown that he is capable of defending his vessel and has been granted a commision by Red Squadrons.

He has passed his evaluation battle and is to work towards promotion to achieve this he must show his worth in battle.

Lieutenant Junior Grade is permitted to fly in Wars.Lieutenant Junior are to take the leads and follow Lieutenants and CO. Aways learn from his CO's

He or she has passed his evaluation battle and is to work towards promotion. To achieve this he must show his worth in battle.

Acting Ensign - Must show his worth to ensure promotion.
Crew Man (1st class)- Fresh out of training, taking orders and showing an goos example

Crew Man - Fresh out of training, taking orders

Under training, a cadet is required to do all that is asked of him, He will be taught not only how to fly each vessel, but how to win battles when fighting against seperior forces and out unnumbered.
A Cadet is NOT permitted to fly for Nerv in Wars unless amcopany by Sduadron Elite

Cadet (1st class) Academy Training.
Cadet (2nd class) Academy Training.
Cadet (3rd class) Academy Training.

Marine Rank

Field marshall
Part of the High Command, responsible for the day to day running of Nerv Ground forces, responsibilities include, promotions, demotions and discharges.

Part of the Nerv High Council, normally the chairman of the council. Respobilities are groumd froces and tatics.

Lieutenant General
Has the power to make all non military command decisions.
He can be a member of the High Council if a Division or Department CO.
His main role is fleet communications and Division Command, He is required to make sure that his CO's and the NERV High Command recieve all battle reports and keep them informed of all personel changes.

Major General
His Dutys are to lead a department or a division and to sit on theNerv High Command. He has the power to take emergency command decisions if the situation calls for it, however is expect to defer to the High Council when possible.

Brigadier General
His Dutys are to lead a department or a division and to sit on theNerv High Command. He has the power to take emergency command decisions when Major General is not present if the situation calls for it, however is expect to defer to the High Council when possible.
Colonel has the power to make all non military command decisions.
He can be a member of the High Council if a Division or Department CO.
His main role is fleet communications and Division Command. He is required to make sure that his CO's and the Nerv High Command recieving all battle reports and to keep them informed of all personel changes.

Lieutenant Colonel
Has the power to make all non military command decisions.
He can be a member of the High Council if a Division or Department CO.
His main role is fleet communications and Nerv Division Command, He is required to make sure that his CO's and the NERV High Command recieve all battle reports and to keep them informed of all personel changes.

His or Her duties are to work closely with the Division CO and to ensure that his Division is operating at peak efficency, His duties include officer training
and he is expected to train and lead his Quadrant into battle, Reports to Admiral and is expected to ensure that his CO's recieve reports on his Divisions efficency and is required to make reports on officer developments for promotion / demotion or commendation.

His duties are to lead by example, He is expected to be a high ground defensive measures for not just his on the ground but in ivading Vessels. He is required to assist his
Magjor in all squad strike missions and to take command of the squad in the absence of the Magor.

He has passed his evaluation battle and is to work towards promotion to achieve this he must show his worth in battle.

Sergeant Major
Squad Duty - helps train and command Squads.

Corporal - Training and following orders. Squad duty.

Lance Corporal
Listen and follow orders. Be an example for all new privates.

Private Listen and follow orders.

Fleet Admiral Lord Goury Gaberial
Nerv / uNiversal Elite Rogue Task Force
Commanding Officer of Nerv Command Taskforce

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