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"Star Trek": Games
Where Does the Future Lie?

What do all gamers want? Gamers what good quailty games with games that have outstanding game play. Games are not just about outanding grahoc sound and lighing effects. Games to day strongly depend on game play and multiplay theme. Games today have to be in over all single game play as well in multi game play as well. Unforantly most recent Star Trek Games have been suffering from this and so has the Star Trek gaming community. Take the recent release of relesae of "Star Trek: Shatter Universe" for the "Playstation 2. These games were horrible Beyond words. Any star trek fan could find something fimilair that they like in the game, however it was plan awful. I dout even a mulyi player option would help it, even if it came to PC. So people see the "Star Trek: Bridge Commander" as being a sucesss, however how can it be a success with up to only 8 people being able to play it on line out of the entire world.
The one thing the most game developers have is lack of respect for the "Star Treck" Gaming Community. Developers do not make or design games for Gamers, there most made for quick profit and nothing more. What is spellbinding is that most do not understand that if they made better games that gamerd like, then then would make more money. A little time and effor in R&D (research and development) couldn't hurt. Listen to gamers input on thier favorite game, and what makes bad games bad. This would be a good start.

The future of "Star Trek" and "Star Trek Gaming seems up for grabs. With the decline of Star Trek popularity, the release of horrible games, plus last poorly develop Star Trek Movie "Nemsis" hasn't helped matters. Even worst "Eterprise" was evently reported of losing ratings, they are thw only ones currently carrying the star trek Tv seris franhise flag. The forth season of Enterprise is questionable due to the recent lo ratings. Hopeful that will change. However all these matter will be resolved in time one way or another. The "Star Trek" film seris has fallen out of Hyperdrive. The last feature, 2000's "Star Trek Nemesis, " the 10 th film in the franchise, brought in only $43.1 million domestically, and there are no definite plans for a new film.
On a lighter note was with the recent Vegas 'Trek' atrraction could revive the franshise. The Las Vegas Hilton, Paramount Parks open "Star Trek: Borg Invasion 4d", a state- of the art attraction replaces 6-year-old "Star Trek:Experience" with all new special 4-D experience. TheBorg star, the part machine and part living organism. The vegas attraction is part ride and part movie As vistors toure a futuristic reseacrh center facility, the drinesa of the Borg collective ill try to capture them wsing 24th century technology. In the movie portion, the Borg queen, played by "Star Trek: First contact's" Slice Krige, attempts to ammimilte the vistors. The day is saved when the Enterprise arrives, along with it commander, Adm. Janeway (Kate Mulgrew), and the doctor (Robert Picardo) from the "Star Trek: Voyager" TV series. The 3-d film wil be prepared in a 4-D nvironment. The action takes place simultaniously on multiple screens, including one that is postioned ovr head. Multiple sensory efect, like six node node chsirs with air holes and subwoofers underneath them, immerse the vistors i the experience of being improsioned by the borg. This new way Trek entrtainment has reinvent the way movies are made with a new flare and style.

But the new vega attraction is not the answer to the gaming comunity problems, no the problems that the "Star Trek" Community. It's just a quick fix, but what we need is good quatiy games with great game play, better Movies and And some respect from the gamong developers. And alittle luck wouldn't hurt either.

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TeamSpeak is an application which allows its users to talk to each other over the internet in and out of games

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Speal-= Was An Atomic Mutant
Developer: Canopy Games
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