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Ranks Space Core


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uNiversal Elite Rogue Vanguard Task Force

Ranks - For Space Core -Groud Core Marines

Lord - Running Nerv High Command and looking over the everyday Functing of Nerv.

Fleet Admiral
Fleet Admiral duties consist of being a member of High Command, respiniblities for the daily day to day running of Nerv. Responsiblitys consisit of promoting, demoting and discharging members. Fleet Admiral is the key tatical Commander.

An Admiral is member of the Nerv High Command, normaly in charge of fleet special activites and fleet deployment. Help cooridination of fleet tatics in the war times. Admrials duties consist of giving out assign ments.

Vice Admiral
Vice Admiral duties consist of leading the flleet against immediate threats and a seat on the NERV High Command. Vice Admirals also have the power to take emergency command, plus make emergency desions if the situation calls for it. However is expect to defer to the NERV High Command when soon a posssible. Dutiy of the Vice admiral usually mean life or death desisions.

Chief Diplomatic Ambassador

In charge of all external Fleet relations and Ambassodor Core and Nerv Embassy duties.

Captain, Morale Officer and Diplomatic Ambassador
Uphold the spirit of Nerv and keep officers in high morale. Also respinsible for fleet relations.

Rear Admiral
Rear Admiral consist of lead their corrisponding department or a division and a seat on the Nerv High Council. Also has the power to make emergency command desions if the situation calls for it, however is expect to defer to the Nerv High Council if posable or Lord G. Rear Admiral will be responce able for Rogue Alliance forces, also know as [RA].

Division Admiral / Star Commander
Division Leader has the power to make all non military command decisions along with Division commands decisions.
He or she can be a member of the Nerv High Command or Hold position of Department CO.
His main role is fleet communications and Division Command. He or her is required to make sure that his CO's and the High Council recieve all battle reports and to keep them informed of all personel changes to Nerv High Command. Reports are to be given regularly

Division Vice Admiral
Division Vise Admiral hold second in command of the division. She or he has the power to make all non military command decisions along with Division commands if Dividion Admiral is not avaiable. He or she can be a member of the Nerv High Command. He or her is required to make sure that his Commanding Officer's and the High Council recieve all battle reports The DVA will keep Division informed of all changes from the main body of the Fleet..

Division Rear Admiral
He or she has the power to make all non military command decisions also incase his CO is not present.
Division Rear Admiral can not be member of Nerv High command. DRA is the last line of the division defense

Commodore duties consist with working closely with the Division Commanding Officers/ Main Fleet and to ensure that his Division is operating at optimal peak efficency. His or her duties includes officer training and he is expected to train and lead his Quadrant into battle. Reports to Lords or Admiral and is expected to ensure that his CO's recieve reports on his Divisions efficency and is required to make reports on officer developments for promotions / demotions or commendation/ Battle Awards.

Fleet Captain
Fleet Captain duties are to ensure that his squad is operating at peak efficency and that all squad members are aware of events and situations with in the fleet. Squad training and making reports to his Commodore are considered to be his main objectives.

Captain duties are to lead by example, she or heis expected to be a high class pilot with skills in defensive measures for not just his vessel or a small strike squadron of vessels. He is required to assist his Fleet Captain in all squad endevours and to take command of the squad in the absence of the Fleet Captain.

Commander duties are to lead by example, he is expected to be a high class pilot with skills in defense and attack. He is required to assist his Captain where possible and is further required to assist officers under him with learning how to control pilot and matain duty roosters.

Lieutenant Commander
Lieutenant Commander is expected to be available for training in order to improve his skills. Lieutenant Commander has shown that he is capable of defending his vessel. Nerv will grant commisions when needed so.

Lieutenant has passed his evaluation battle and is to work towards promotion to achieve this he must show his worth in battle and political offices.

Lieutenant Junior Grade is permitted to fly in Wars.Lieutenant Junior are to take the leads and follow Lieutenants and CO command to the letter. Always learning from his CO's and sticking to his duties.

An Ensign has passed his evaluation battle and is to work towards promotion. To achieve this he must show his worth in battle. He must show honor, loyality and bond by duty and serve with in a division that they have chosen.

Ensign Junior Grade

An officer that has shown interested for the NErv Forces. He/she are learning the final skills to become a fine officer in the fleet.

Acting Ensign - Must show his worth to ensure promotion. To achieve this he must show his worth in battle. He must show honor, loyality and bond by duty. Non Nerv officer can be assigned this post at any time denied.

Crew Man (1st class)- Fresh out of training, taking orders and showing an goos example

Crew Man - Fresh out of training and show skills in taking orders and carrying out duties.

Under training, a cadet is required to do all that is asked of him, He will be taught not only how to fly each vessel, but how to win battles when fighting against seperior forces and out unnumbered.
A Cadet is NOT permitted to fly for Nerv in Wars or skrishs unless unless they are guraduate from Nerv Academy.

Cadet (1st class) Academy Training.
Cadet (2nd class) Academy Training.
Cadet (3rd class) Academy Training.

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Nerv is a gaming clan with a long history from vaious tyoes of game. Most Star Trek games, however you never know where we will show up. From are humble root in Star trek Domin War and Klingon Academy for over 2 years , and we have provide safe and fun gaming for Nerv Members and non-members.

With over 2000 years of experience for Nerv command staff makes Nerv an Idea parthner to offer experience and enthusiasm to enhance your gamer experience for the ulimate results in any game.

Take a look in or client page and see what others have said about us and get in touch for more information.

© 2003 Nerv Clan Gamer Co.